


Sorry dudes. No inspiration to blog.
Hey all! I just started writing a new story of mine. Hopefully, it'll turn into a book within a few years, maybe even by next year. I sure hope so. I have a good feeling with this one. However, I am finding it a bit hard to write. I'm used to essays and whatnot, not creative writing, like this one. It's hard to decide what to put in and what to leave out, or if it's the right moment to bring in a new character or add some details. I don't really have anything planned out yet. I'm just going with the flow at the moment. The hardest thing: deciding the characters' personalities. Personally, I like it when we have perfect characters that do everything at the right place, right time. But then that would make a boring story, no?
I finished organizing! Yay! It only took me all of 15 minutes.
I'm going to reorganize my Knick Knacks page, since it is a pain to scroll all the way down to look at new stuff.
Anyone dressing up for Halloween and going out trick-or-treating? I sure am. A friend of mine and my sister are going around the neighborhood. They are going to be hobos, whilst I be the Master of Hobos. Interesting and slightly nonsensical, no?
I simply must mention this incident to you guys. A colleague of mine has a mini afro, in the progress of becoming a full-blown afro. He had one of those Chinese hats on-you know, the wide cone-shaped ones that go hand in hand with Asian workers in a rice field-and just for few seconds, he took it off. AND THEN HE HAD A CONE SHAPED AFRO! I found this to be a true case of "hat hair".
Hey guys, just wondering if any of you are remotely interested in archery? I just got started on it a couple weeks ago with one of those cheapo Indian bows. Now I'm aiming quite a bit higher in quality and strength. A tip: Check out some recurve bows. They add some extra power to your arrow, which is helpful if you're a beginner like me. And, I must mention that I do not like those fancy compound bows these days with all the pulleys and such. i'll stick with old fashioned, thank you very much. A piece of wood or fiberglass and a string is good enough for me. And since I'm on a tight budget, I have to go for the $50 bows. I'd recommend an XR Recurve Bow Set by Martin Archery.
Your time apologizing. So, a LOT of stuff to tell you guys. The first hilarious incident:

My precocious five-year-old cousin, whom I'll call Rebecca. Her innocence is touching. And hilarious.

Setting: On the road, coming home from Costco
Props: Box of diapers
Characters: My sister, Rebecca, and I
Me: "Ha! For a second, I thought that baby in diapers was a clenched fist. It looks like that from upside down."
(I had been staring at it for the past minute trying to make sense of it.)
Sister snickers and: "What the heck? That is so weird! You thought that a butt covered in cloth was a hand?"
Rebecca says quietly: "Butts, not butt."
Me, disbelievingly: "What? But there's only one butt."
Rebecca explains as if obvious: "It's butts. The butts is divided into two parts. There are two butts. So it's butts."
Me and my sister are in tears of laughter.
I try to explain, delirious with the hilarity of it: "No, Rebecca, it's butt. Even though a butt is divided into two, it is still one whole thing. It's butt, okay?"
My sister is in tears the whole time.
Rebecca: "Okay."

HA! HA! I still laugh at the memory.

Second thing:
What's up y'all?! Leave comments and such. Must thanks to Alex (again!) who pushed me to write. I appreciate it.

Hey, check out this guy on YouTube. He seriously deserves some publicity, with all the talent he's got. Check him out on iTunes. I know he looks a bit...weird but check out some of his other videos, too. Username: jriceproductions

...kill me. Apologies to everybody who is reading this. I abandoned this blog for a while. But I'll try to post more often...

Anyway, a couple weeks ago I went on a road trip to Yellowstone. Beautiful scenery, tons of wildlife, and a lot of geysers and hot springs. I'll upload some pictures later in another post. I had a great time.

Because of the abundance of wildlife, it's inevitable that the buffalo/bison or some other creature is going to cause a traffic jam. That's right, a traffic jam. There are no fences or anything keeping them out of the roads. And I was caught in one of those traffic jams. Fantastic photo opportunities but it caused quite a delay. At least a half hour. It was tense and slightly scary, but exhilarating. Scary, you say? Why scary? Well, did you know that a buffalo/bison can run three times faster than a human? And do you know how big they are? If they truly wanted to, they could easily smash a car. But luckily, nothing like that happened.  Finally, a motorcyclist drove straight through a pair of bison, among four who were blocking the road, scaring them off for a while as they retreated back to their grassy valley. A risky thing to do, but well worth it. My hat goes off to you, whomever you may be, for taking that risk. Four or five cars escaped, mine being one of them, before more buffalo started to get back on the road.

I also saw a lot of deer-ish animals. When I entered the park, I received a brochure identifying the species that I saw. I saw bull deer and bull elk, but I'm sorry to say that I haven't spotted a moose. I'll post some pictures of the deer, in another post.

And of course, I saw Old Faithful. You simply cannot make the long drive to Yellowstone, pay for hotel reservations and sacrifice vacation time and NOT see Old Faithful. Unless you've seen it before, of course. Fantastic show of course. I watched from the historic Old Faithful Inn. Unfortunately, I arrived an hour early and had to wait a while before it erupted. But I had a grand time exploring Old Faithful Inn. Very rustic and old fashioned.

What's a vacation without at least a couple souvenirs? I bought some huckleberry jam, which I've wanted to try since I read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in fourth grade. Strange, isn't? How this boy is named after a berry. The huckleberry jam was delicious, by the way. Kind of like strawberry jam, but a little more tart. And I bought a Yellowstone sweatshirt, which in my cheapo/thrifty mind was way to expensive. But I don't regret it. The child in me bought a slingshot as well, the y-shaped wood carved with a wolf in the front. Last, I also bought a nice little knife, which had a green handle that said "Yellowstone" and had a little black blade. Nothing too dangerous, of course. It did prove extremely useful for cutting up the orange I had brought.

Thanks to everybody for keeping up with me after all this time. Be back here tomorrow!


Ha ha. So I searched my blog in Google and found out that my blog's name is actually the name of a baseball team! What a surprise! I actually didn't know that. So, if you look my blog up on Google, then you will have to look through thousands of devoted baseball fans' websites before you chance upon mine. ;)
