Ha ha. So I searched my blog in Google and found out that my blog's name is actually the name of a baseball team! What a surprise! I actually didn't know that. So, if you look my blog up on Google, then you will have to look through thousands of devoted baseball fans' websites before you chance upon mine. ;)

Hey guys. So sorry I haven't been here in a while. I'm so ashamed. Well, let me explain what happened. I went camping last weekend. This weekend my friends *cough, cough, Alex and Anna, cough, cough* came over. On Friday I went mini-golfing with some of my other friends. A busy week, is it not? So. I am back. And I must say that I have an idea for a story! Here's a general summary.

In the year 3010, the world has reverted to a universal caste system.

Okay, so here's the deal. One line of each summary per day when I post. Moving on:

I'm going to update my Knick Knacks page for the rest of the day. Ciao!
